About Me

Hi there, Beautiful! I’m Jolana, and I absolutely love showing my clients just how beautiful, sexy, and desired they really are! I have always had a passion for photography and helping others, and boudoir photography has really given me the option to do both. I am constantly amazed at how many of us out there don’t feel like we are worthy, or don’t feel sexy/ beautiful/in shape/ etc… enough to do a boudoir shoot (Me included before my own shoot!). But I am here to tell you that you are GORGEOUS, girl, and you are WORTHY of this.

You. Deserve. To. Love. Yourself. Period <3

 A bit about me: I was born in the Czech Republic and draw so much of my inspiration from the gorgeous Bohemian Paradise I grew up in. I went to St. John Fisher College for psychology and worked in the Psychiatric Emergency Room for 5 years. It was an amazing job that taught me a lot about our brains and our society. It was here I was able to see first-hand the amount of us out there that truly didn’t see what amazing human beings  we really are.

I’m a huge goof. I love anything food and travel related, am a little too sarcastic for my own good, and am a huge optimist. I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie: Give me heights, rock climbing, new experiences, crazy local foods, and a camera to capture it all with. Outside of photography, I am a writer, and am actually a published author for a book of poems I created with a close friend of mine titled….you ready for this? “Tales from the Toilet: A collection of Poems.” Yes, you read that right. I am also currently working on a novel! 

I love making every session fun and an experience that you can look back at and feel empowered by.

Self Portrait

My Boudoir Experience: I know how scary and crazy a boudoir session may seem. I grew up being told that being sexy is bad, and that I need to hide my body, so I spent most of my life keeping myself covered, and feeling like a fish out of water any time I wore something a bit sexier. It felt out of character, and I hated the feeling. 2019 was a year of rediscovering who I am, what’s important to me, and how I wanted to feel about myself moving forward. I took the leap and scheduled my own boudoir session, because how could I tell my clients to truly let themselves embrace who they are if I wasn’t doing the same? And let me tell you, the experience was transformational. This photo is from my own session, and I can’t get over how that image makes me feel. To accept that that is truly me, that I am capable of being sexy and desired, and that I am WORTHY of feeling beautiful is invigorating and freeing. I no longer question if what I am wearing is “too sexy” and if people will think it’s out of my norm; because as long as I am comfortable and love myself, it doesn’t matter! And I want to help you experience what I have, because you too, are also worthy of it <3